The Therapy + Introduction

Documentary about two Israeli men who try to overcome their homosexuality through conversion therapy.

Time & Tickets

After his wife divorced him when she found out he watched gay material on the Internet, 54-year-old Lev went to his rabbi in despair. Ever since university he has tried to get rid of his attraction to men, but it always comes back. His rabbi recommended a conversion therapist. For Lev, who we follow in group sessions and conversations with his therapist, the therapy helps ‘to be who I want to be’. He hopes to become ‘normal’, so he can marry a woman again.

Student Ben (23) was raised in the ultra-Orthodox community. He has been in conversion therapy for seven years and has developed a strong bond with his therapist. But now he’s conducting academic research into the therapy form and discovers that it’s considered harmful. Slowly, he tries to break away from it. But is he ready to be proud of the fact that he is gay?

The documentary will be introduced by Yvo Kesler, general practicioner and board member of COC Limburg. He will elaborate on the concept of conversion therapy from a healthcare perspective (in English).

Time schedule:
19.15 - Doors open
19.30 - Start introduction
19.40 - Start documentary
21.10 - End

Zvi Landsman, Israël, 2022, 85 min. English & Hebrew spoken, English subtitles.