
Blog Nieuws Thumbnail Asset 1

Lux Audience Award: Watch, Rate & Win!

Each year, five films are nominated for the LUX Audience Award. It is up to the audience to decide the winner. By taking part in this campaign, you become part of the largest film jury in Europe by watching and rating the five nominated fil...

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Lumière's IFFR Favourites

An unexpected surprise was Ghost Trail, a film described by IFFR as an 'intense thriller'—normally not my first choice. The film follows a Syrian refugee who encounters his former torturer in Straatsburg. Don't expect wild chases or intense...

News Lumière Maastricht fotograaf Isabel Camps

Best year ever for Lumière Maastricht

Best year ever for Lumière Maastricht: Visitor record and award for Best Cinema in Europe, but financial challenges persist Lumière reflects on an exceptionally successful year, boasting a record-breaking 173,000 visitors and winning the pr...

News Team Lumière

Team Lumière ready for the future with a new lineup

With the upcoming departure of our Artistic Director/Executive, David Deprez, the team at Lumière Maastricht will see a partial reshaping, bringing together both familiar and new faces: From left to right: Wouter Greven, Aerd de Boode, Anna...

News Nieuws Thumbnail Asset

Lumière now also open on Wednesday mornings

You can now visit us even more often: starting Wednesday, November 13, we will also be open on Wednesday mornings! From 9:30 AM, you're welcome to visit our Grand Café and enjoy a cup of coffee, and at 10:00 AM, we will start our first scre...

News De Terugreis

Lumière Cinema en Quiet Community Maastricht verenigen mensen in stille armoede met gratis filmvertoningen op locatie

Onder de noemer ‘Community Cinema’ organiseren Quiet Community Maastricht en Lumière Cinema het komende half jaar een vijftal gratis filmvoorstellingen voor members van Quiet Community Maastricht. Dit initiatief is bedoeld om mensen die lev...

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Nieuwe reeks Ultrakort

Ook dit najaar is voorafgaand aan een aantal films een korte film te zien van Ultrakort! Ultrakort heeft als doel om jong animatietalent een kans te geven een breder publiek te bereiken. Dit jaar zijn er vier films geselecteerd. Vanaf 17 ok...

News David Deprez Lumière Cinema

David Deprez announces his departure as artistic director of Lumière in Maastricht

David Deprez will step down as the artistic director of Lumière Cinema in Maastricht in the spring of 2025. He announced this decision last Friday. Over the past 25 years, Deprez has played a key role in the development of Lumière, which, u...

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