
Ruben Brandt, Collector

An insane, absurd and incredibly entertaining animation film about a psychotherapist who is haunted by nightmares in which famous artworks play a brutal role.

Please note that this film is in English and Hungarian, with Dutch subtitles.
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Ruben Brandt, a famous psychotherapist, is forced to steal thirteen paintings from world-renowned museums and private collections to prevent his terrible nightmares. Accompanied by four of his patients, he and his gang of thieves strike regularly and with great success: The Louvre, Tate, Uffizi, Hermitage, MoMA.
‘The Collector’ quickly becomes the world’s most wanted criminal. Gangsters and headhunters chase him around the world while the reward for his capture keeps rising, approaching a hundred million dollars. A cartel of insurance companies entrusts Mike Kowalski, a private detective and leading art theft expert, to solve the case.

Milorad Krstic, Hungary, 2018, 96 min. English & Hungarian spoken, Dutch subtitles. With Iván Kamarás, Gabriella Hámori, Zalán Makranczi.