
More Human Than Human

More Human Than Human explores what it means to live in the age of intelligent machines. After the screening, scientist Ties van de Werff will talk about the influence of robots on our daily life.

Time & Tickets

In this personal, playful and at times dramatic quest, the filmmaker finds out how much of his creativity and human values are at stake as he builds his own robot to replace himself as a filmmaker. More than just an exposé on the pros and cons of new technology, the filmmaker’s journey takes him to the world’s leading artificial intelligence (AI) experts and robot pioneers confronting them with existential questions such as: will AI, infinitely smarter, interconnected and possibly self-aware, render humanity obsolete?

Ties van de Werff is trained as an interdisciplinary scholar in Science & Technology Studies and Empirical Philosophy. Afterwards, Van de Werff will talk about the influence of robots on our daily life.

Tommy Pallotta & Femke Wolting, Netherlands, USA, Belgium, 2018, 79 min. English spoken, Dutch subtitles.