
Food Evolution

Thoughtful documentary that explores the controversy surrounding GMO’s and food.

Time & Tickets

The only way to feed seven billion mouths - 9 billion in 2015 - seems to be genetically modified food. FOOD EVOLUTION impressively demonstrates how the emotional debate surrounding this hot-button topic is all too often based on fear and disinformation. It’s much better to found the debate on scientific findings. But whose science? Both proponents and opponents state that their claims are based on scientific research. FOOD EVOLUTION seeks to answer these questions and as such exposes some fascinating insights into human behavior.

After the screening there will be a talk (language: English) with Prof. Peter Peters, specialised in Nanobiology at Maastricht University. He will explain how the CRISPR technology can help us create crops that are resistant to diseases.

19.30hrs Start film
21.00hrs Mini-lecture by Prof. Peter Peters
21.15hrs Q&A
21.30hrs End

Scott Hamilton Kennedy, USA, 2016, 92 min. English spoken, without subtitles. With Raoul Adamchak, Charles Benbrook, Karl Haro von Mogel.