
Beste meneer Bouterse + Discussion director Ananta Khemradj en Dr Roland Moerland

Personal film in which 32-year-old journalist and filmmaker Ananta Khemradj explores how her generation should move on in the aftermath of the December murders of 1982.

This programme is completely in Dutch.
Time & Tickets

Even now that former president Desi Bouterse has been convicted for his role in the December murders, the Surinamese people remain divided. There are still many questions about the circumstances of the December murders. Bouterse argues that the Netherlands was involved. He claims that the documents that prove this are under lock and key. What is the truth of this story? Why does the former colonial power keep documents about the eighties in Suriname a secret?

Filmmaker Ananta Khemradj believes it is high time that Surinamese people start talking to each other, so that the country can move forward together. With her documentary, she wants to start a process of healing for her compatriots, but she struggles with the question whether or not to give Bouterse a platform. Is her documentary a step towards reconciliation or is she just adding fuel to the fire? What is the future of a country that does not dare to face its past?

After the screening of BESTE MENEER BOUTERSE there will be a discussion with director Ananta Khemradj and Dr Roland Moerland, Assistant Professor in Criminology and Law. He focuses on the criminal behaviour of states, governments, and corporations (organisational crime) and crimes perpetrated by illegal enterprises and groups (organized crime). This programme is in Dutch.

Time schedule:

19.15 - Welcome
19.30 - Short introduction
19.35 - Start documentary
20.35 - Start discussion
21.15 - End

Ananta Khemradj, Netherlands, 2022, 62 min. Dutch & Sranantongo spoken, Dutch subtitles.