Film concert: The General + short film Drama + performance Joost Vrouenraets

Digitally restored version of this classic silent comedy, with a live performance of a film score written for Lumière Cinema by composer and film critic Kevin Toma.

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Train driver Buster Keaton gives chase when Union agents steal his locomotive in this comedy set at the time of the American Civil War. Taking inspiration from a real Civil War incident when Union soldiers hijacked a Confederate train, THE GENERAL was silent comedian Buster Keaton’s most grandly conceived project. The film is a seamless blend of action and comedy, involving a great number of stunts – including the famous sequence in which a bridge bearing a railroad train collapses into a gorge.


Festival site & bar open + performance Joost Vrouenraets & David Peskens
Q&A Joost Vrouenraets
Short film: Barrier + Q&A with Yorn Heijnen
Main film: The General + live score by Kevin Toma
Festival site closes

Performance Joost Vrouenraets
From 19.30hrs on, choreographer-dancer Joost Vrouenraets and photographer David Peskens, will perform part of their live-performance The Red Circles on the festival site. With two red ropes, Joost places two circles on the floor in which he dances and connects with the space around him. This way, the choreographer-dancer depicts the 1.5 distance measure in a playful way. After the performance, a short Q&A will follow.

Yorn Heijnen, The Netherlands 2020, 2 min.
One of the entries to CineSud's Quarantaine Film Stories contest, in which filmmakers weere challenged to make a film up to 90 seconds around the lockdown/quarantaine-theme.

Buster Keaton & Clyde Bruckman, USA, 1927, 76 min. , without subtitles.