Patrick and the Whale

Nature documentary about the extraordinary bond between cameraman Patrick Dykstra and the sperm whale Dolores. Dykstra has been studying whales all his life and has learned how to get as close to them as possible.

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For twenty years, Patrick Dykstra has dedicated his life to traveling the globe and diving with whales. In Dominica he had a close, and life changing encounter with a female sperm whale, who appeared to scan him completely via her sonar. We will follow Patrick as he travels back to Dominica to find this special whale he named ‘Dolores’, so she can help him show us the hidden world of her species. Using stunning underwater footage, Patrick will explore the nature of the sperm whale, attempting to shine a light on its intelligence and complexity, as well as highlighting its relationship with humankind. Furthermore, this is also a personal journey to connect and understand the biggest creatures in the ocean.

This wonderful nature film shows how vulnerable these highly social and intelligent animals are. It shows that these fantastic, almost alien creatures deserve our unconditional protection.

Mark Fletcher, Austria, 2023, 72 min. English spoken, Dutch subtitles.