
Mijn Landbouwbelang + Intiem en Anoniem

Artist Frank van Valderen’s documentary about one of the last squatters’ strongholds in the Netherlands: Maastricht’s Landbouwbelang.

Please note that this film is primarily in Dutch, with Dutch subtitles.
Time & Tickets

MIJN LANDBOUWBELANG shows what it is like to live together in a closed community. As such, it showcases the narrow path between individual freedom and collective harmony. To do so, van Valderen draws on a rich collection of material shot in the five years of making this film. The footage includes conversations with artists who work and live in Landbouwbelang, fierce group discussions about its direction, and municipality meetings about the future of the building. Ultimately, Landbouwbelang is critically dependent on the will of the society of which it is part.

Frank van Valderen worked for five years on this documentary. During all this time, the project dominated his life, and his family’s. Somewhere along the way Videopower stepped in and Hans van Hezik, Levon Lois and filmmaker Michiel Ubels took over part of the project. As always, Michiel Ubels left his characteristic mark, especially on the editing, which juxtaposes humour and drama.

Before, there will be a screening of INTIEM EN ANONIEM, a new short documentary by Krista Smulders and Michiel Ubels. This project began as a disarming portrait of a couple in love, but for filmmakers and romantic couple Krista and Michiel the documentary slowly turned into a mirror for their own relationship. The result is as touching as funny, and above all true for all couples.

Frank van Valderen, Hans van Hezik, Levon Lois & Michiel Ubels, Netherlands, 2021, 64 min. Dutch spoken, Dutch subtitles.