Made in Limburg and Award Show

Made in Limburg premières

Time & Tickets

Thomas Paschenegger, Fiction, Netherlands, 2018, 21 min.
A coming-of-age film about a married couple in their fifties. During a weekend in the Veluwe region with their son and his new love they are forced to reflect on themselves and their relationship.

Tot Inkeer
Vincent Konings, Fiction, Netherlands, 2018, 12 min.
After the loss of his loved ones the medieval knight Gerlachus decides to exchange his sword for a penitent and solitary life.

* This film will be shown in a special cast-crew premiere.

Guido Coppis, Fiction, Netherlands, 2018, 18 min.
This one-taker shows you a grasping and disturbing family-drama in 18 minutes.

* This film will be shown in a special cast-crew premiere.

Voor Galg en Rad
Paul Haans & Jeroen Wielheesen, Fiction, Netherlands, 2018, 15 min.
South Limburg, 18th century. People starve and are exploited by the ruling powers. Poverty and oppression prevail. The Buckrider’s captain Mathias Ponts tries to provide for his family as best he can. When he is arrested his son is left to himself.

*This film will be shown in a special cast-crew premiere.

Award Show
A jury consisting of Edward Stelder, Anna Pauwels and Annelies van Woerden and a youth jury will announce the Best Short Film and Best Euregion filmmaker!

diverse, 2018, 150 min. , without subtitles.