Gevangen in een Tekening

Documentary about cartoonist Ruben L. Oppenheimer and the high personal price he has to pay for exercising his freedom of speech.

Please note that this film and the subsequent Q&A are in Dutch, without subtitles.
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His own mother is happy to contribute to this documentary but prefers not to be recognizable on screen. She is all too aware of the risks her son is taking. Maastricht cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer fuels the social debate with his razor-sharp political cartoons – which are published in the AD and NRC, two national newspapers, among others – and does not feel the need to appear politically correct. Apart from debate, it also leads to numerous curses and threats, especially on social media. When he posted a drawing of Turkish President Erdogan on Twitter in 2017, the first death threats poured in. Freedom of expression is very dear to Oppenheimer, and he is obsessed with his work, but where is the line? To what extent is he willing to sacrifice his personal freedom for the sake of his artistic freedom?

Carin Goeijers, Netherlands, 2023, 55 min. Dutch spoken, without subtitles.