
This sinister thriller by Alfred Hitchcock still manages to shock more than sixty years later after its release, partly thanks to the famous shower scene.

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A ‘fun picture’ Hitchcock himself called it. Yet the Freudian horror of PSYCHO went down in history as one of the most chilling films in the British master’s oeuvre. The film follows Marion Crane who, after stealing forty thousand dollars from her boss, flees the big city. During a heavy rainstorm, she is stranded at a dingy motel run by the shy and peculiar Norman Bates.

About halfway through the story follows the most famous murder scene in film history: 45 seconds of film shot from seventy different camera angles. There is actually nothing to see, but Hitchcock fools the human brain in stunning fashion, aided by George Tomasini’s editing and Bernard Herrmann’s unforgettable music.

Alfred Hitchcock, USA, 1960, 109 min. English spoken, without subtitles. With Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, John Gavin, Martin Balsam.