

Swedish Bella dreams of a career in the Los Angeles porn industry. Pleasure is a raw and at times funny portrait of a young woman in a man's world.

This film contains explicit scenes that can be experienced as shocking.
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Upon arrival in L.A. Bella declares to a customs officer that she immigrated for pleasure, yet it soon becomes clear that the porn industry is a tough business. She starts at the bottom of the ladder with an unreliable manager and three roommates that compete for the same roles. Pretty soon it becomes clear to Bella that the only way she can live up to her ambitions is to keep pushing her boundaries. But how far will she go to realize her cherished dream?

Debuting director Ninja Thyberg did extensive research into the porn industry by immersing herself in it for some time. Many of the events in the film she experienced on film sets herself, and all actors, except for first-time lead actress Sofia Kappel, actually work in the porn industry. PLEASURE received the Cannes label in 2020 and had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival earlier this year.

This film is English spoken but contains a few lines of dialogue in Swedish. However, this shouldn't spoil your screening.

After 8 pm, you only have access to our building 20 minutes before your screening starts.

Ninja Thyberg, Sweden, Netherlands, France, 2020, 109 min. English spoken, Dutch subtitles. With Sofia Kappel, Revika Anne Reustle, Evelyn Claire, Chris Cock, Dana DeArmond.