Cinemini: Big & Small
Film programme about how small creatures can also be big. You will meet big animals and little people, as well as small animals and big people.
The films:
De Wolk en de Walvis
Alena Tomilova, Russia 2016, 3 min.
A touching story about the friendship between a little cloud and a big whale.
Natalia Chernysheva, Russia 2015, 4 min.
A special friendship is woven when a tiny spider gets inspiration from an old woman’s knitting patterns.
Het Zakkenmannetje
Ana Chubinidze, France, Switzerland, Georgia 2017, 7 min.
In an old suitcase lives a little man. One day he gets a new friend, an old blind man. The little man jumps into the blind man’s pocket and helps him see again through music.
De Piepkleine Vos
Aline Quertain & Sylwia Szkiladz, France, Belgium, Switzerland 2016, 8 min.
In a lush garden, a tiny fox meets a girl with a watering can that can grow giant plants. The fox would also like to grow a little bigger. Together they discover that they can also grow all kinds of objects, but the girl likes the fox best when he stays small.