
On Body And Soul English subtitled

A slaughterhouse in Budapest is the setting of a strangely beautiful love story about two introverted people who find out by pure chance that they share the same dream every night. Winner of the Golden Bear in Berlin.

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Mária has recently started a new job as the quality controller in a slaughterhouse. At lunch the young woman always chooses a table on her own and sits in silence. She takes her job seriously and adheres strictly to the rules. Hers is a world that consists of figures and data. Her slightly older boss Endre is also the quiet type. Tentatively, they begin to get to know each other. Recognising their spiritual kinship, they are amazed to discover that they even have the same dreams at night. Carefully, they attempt to make them come true.
This story of two people discovering the realm of emotions and physical desire, at first individually and then together, is tenderly told by director Ildikó Enyedi, but in a way that also exudes subtle humour. A film about the fears and inhibitions associated with opening up to others, and about how exhilarating it can be when you finally do. (source:

Ildikó Enyedi, Hungary, 2017, 116 min. Hungarian spoken, English subtitles. With Géza Morcsányi, Alexandra Borbély, Zoltán Schneider, Ervin Nagy, Tamás Jordán.