
Discover your unique voice, develop your style, and build your director’s toolkit at one of our masterclasses.

Time & Tickets

The Auteur's Vision: Finding Your Voice & Building a Style | 10:30-12:30
During this masterclass, coach Stijn Bouma (De Jacht op Meral Ö.) will guide participants through the concept of ‘voice’ in filmmaking, explore the importance of a unique and distinctive style, and will give tips and tricks on how to find and build this style.

The Director's Toolkit: Visual Storytelling & Collaboration | 13:30-15:30
As a continuity to the Masterclass: The Auteur’s Vision, this masterclass will focus on building a toolkit that filmmakers can use to realise their creative vision and the importance of collaboration in relation to this.

Datum: Saturday 15 March
Tijd: 10:30 – 15:30