
Tutankhamun: The Last Exhibition

Documentary on the discovery – exactly 100 years ago this month – of the burial chamber of pharaoh Tutankhamun by British archaeologist Howard Carter.

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In November 1922, Howard Carter made a small hole above an underground doorway in the Valley of the Kings and discovered the burial chamber of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, a boy elevated to demigod status who died at the age of 19 and became Ancient Egypt’s most famous pharaoh 3342 years after his burial.

This documentary offers an extraordinary opportunity to admire 150 of the pharaoh’s treasures, as shown during the Tutankhamun exhibition in Los Angeles in 2019. In addition, original photographic and film material from the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the Griffith Institute in Oxford shows the most poignant moments of Carter's discovery. International experts provide the images with expert commentary and address the impact of Tutankhamun's famous curse.

Ernesto Pagano, Italy, 2022, 78 min. Italian & English spoken, Dutch subtitles. With Iggy Pop.